✨Mint (staking)-testnet

Mobius Finance is the first multi-collateral synthetics protocol. Users can collateralize DAI, ETH, MATIC, and MOT to mint moUSD, the platform's settlement currency. Multicollateral support will allow users to control their asset exposure composition and staking positions. Moreover, this allows Mobius Finance to have a much larger market size by design, and in the future integrate new assets.

Minting moUSD allows users to trade synthetic assets (moASSETS). Users who stake any of the tokens above earn $MOT rewards in exchange for managing their collateralization ratio and debt (Click here to learn more about $MOT rewards).

Current Collateralization Ratio's:

In order to start trading on Möbius Finance, you first need to mint $moUSD.

  1. To mint moUSD, go to the "Mint & Burn" page.

2. Select the collateral you would like to stake.

3. After selecting the asset, enter the amount of tokens to be collateralized.

4. Below, you will see the amount of moUSD you can generate with the minimum collateral ratio allowed. Use the "range slider" to modify your collateral ratio. You will see in real-time the changes on the moUSD.

5. After filling in all the above, verify your information on the table on the right and click on "MINT". You will need to confirm two transactions on Metamask (first: approve the token, 2) contract will mint the tokens).

Last updated