Mobius Finance Parameters

Here you will find all relevant parameters from Mobius Finance protocol

Platform Parameters

Mint & Staking Collateralization Ratio:

Short-Selling Collateralization Ratio:

Collateral Liquidation Settlement

If a user’s collateral requirements drop below the allowed minimum collateralization ratio established, their collateral will be auctioned by a ten percent (10%) discount, four percent (4%) of this will be allocated for the reserve auction pool. The reserve auction pool will be based on peer-to-peer liquidations, it will function as the constant position to process settlement and collateral auctions to ensure the stability of the system and avoid any clawback on users’ profits.

Platform Fee Structure

The transaction fee for all orders executed within Mobius Finance is 0.3% (zero-point-three percent).

Ecosystem Incentives

This includes LP staking rewards, Staking rewards and Shorting Rewards

Weekly Updated: 11/19/21 : Reward for DAI Staking will be re-allocated to the moUSD-am3CRV farm.

Last updated